alphaMELTS 1.9 scripts, executables, and example files. All of the files in 'package' have Windows line endings. Running INSTALL.COMMAND on Linux / Mac will automatically update line endings of all relevant files. Alternatively, FILE_FORMAT.COMMAND can always be used to ensure that file line endings match the operating system. You can use the ZIP or TAR buttons as a convenient way to download all files visible in GitList. Note that executables for all 64-bit operating systems are included together here, like the alphaMELTS 2 package. For separate alphaMELTS 1.9 packages for MacOSX, Linux, and Windows (native or WSL) please go to the download site (; for 32-bit alphaMELTS 1.8, please visit the archive ( If you are looking for alphaMELTS 2 then see the Version 2 page for more infromation (
alphaMELTS 2 scripts and executables. Note that all of the files in 'package' and 'tutorial' have Windows line endings. Running INSTALL2.COMMAND on Linux / Mac will automatically update line endings of the files in 'package'. Alternatively, FILE-FORMAT.COMMAND can always be used to ensure that file line endings match the operating system. You can use the ZIP or TAR buttons as a convenient way to download all files visible in GitList. For more details see the alphaMELTS 2 areas of the download and information site ( and the forum (,31.0.html).
A pared-down version of Guil Gualda's MELTS for Excel containing only the 'Combine tbl' function, that can work on all versions of Excel, Windows or Mac. You should use 'Combine tbl 2' if possible, but older versions of Excel may require 'Combine tbl 1'. Right-click to download the appropriate file; double-click to extract the Excel file from the archive. Minor differences between the original 'Combine tbl', and these ones are documented in the files and, for 'Combine tbl 2' in the README.TXT file.
Einari Suikkanen's easyMelts software, which is a GUI-driven alternative for running rhyolite-MELTS and pMELTS calculations on Windows, macOS and Linux. 64-bit executables are included that will work on all modern machines and many older ones (up to ~10 years). Right-click the appropriate file; double-click to expand the archive. Instructions are included in the README.TXT, as a separate text file (select the 'Raw' button then Save As...), and as tooltips in the executable (hover the mouse over the red question marks).
Victor Kress' Post-entrapment crystallization correction program. The algorithm is described in Kress and Ghiorso (2004), and is consistent with the MELTS thermodyanmic model. The Brimstone website that hosted the software is currently unreachable, and in any case only 32-bit Linux and Mac builds were available. This repository has new 64-bit builds for Mac, Linux, and (native) Windows. Original documentation is included in the README.TXT file, with minor updates. You can use the ZIP or TAR buttons to download all files visible in GitList, including the example files.
alphaMELTS for MATLAB/Python scripts and dynamic libraries. System requirements, pre-requisites, and instructions for setting up on Windows, Mac and Linux are in the You can use the ZIP or TAR buttons as a convenient way to download all files visible in GitList. For more details see the alphaMELTS 2 areas of the download and information site ( and the forum (,31.0.html).
Jonathan Snow's Meltsout program, which is a parser for the melts.out output file from the Rhyolite-MELTS graphical user interface. 64-bit Linux and Windows executables are included, as well as the source code. You can build any other Mac or Linux version using the command given in the README.TXT file. You can use the ZIP or TAR buttons as a convenient way to download all files visible in GitList.
Newer builds of Mark Ghiorso's Rhyolite-MELTS graphical user interface (GUI). They use essentially the same code as the versions posted at OFM-research with a few bug fixes (see the 'alphaMELTS' branch on The Ubuntu versions are more suited to modern Debian-based systems, including the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Right-click to download the appropriate file; double-click to expand the archive.
Presentations and examples from the MELTS and alphaMELTS workshops that we have held since 2014. The latest versions of the files may have been modified slightly since the last workshop at which they were used e.g. to fix typos or incorporate suggestions. See the relevant Workshop Links page for more details about what the various examples show. You can use the ZIP or TAR buttons as a convenient way to download all files visible in GitList.